Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Rules of Circ #14 (RoC)
My coworkers and I encounter a lot of people during our time on the desk and while covering the phones. Unless you are a frequent patron, exceptional nice (or attractive), troublesome, or for a lack of a better word, down right "quirky," we do remember your name. And if you are really special, we even may have a nickname for you. Not that it means it's a bad thing. Several of my female coworkers have dubbed one guy the "hot dad."
Also, if you have a unique name, we will most likely point it out to each other. Seriously, what else are we supposed to talk about at work: cats? recipes? sewing/crocheting? I'd fail on all three topics.
We don't make fun of patrons, okay, so *some* of my coworkers do, but when you deal with hundreds of people during the week it can be hard to recall certain patrons unless you describe them like "Porn Dude," you know, that creepy guy that always looks at porn on the public internet stations without regard for those around him.
I know it would be pointless of me to say not to take it personally but really, it is personal.
What's In a Name Part I.
I randomly searched for unique names in our patron database and was quite surprised what names (first and middle) popped up. So what started out as a way to pass the time turned into a competitive game.
Our list became quite extensive and we have tried to keep it organized, somewhat...
Countries and Cities:
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Rules of Circ #23 (RoC)
I had a gentleman approach me at the desk yesterday asking if there was a manager on duty. I've learned from past experience that my lack of authority > manager's ineptitude.
So I told him that I could look in the back for one to which he replied, "Well, maybe you can help me."
He had overdue fees on his card in excess of $50. All for the same 4 books, he apparently failed to comprehend the "Renewal" process. He was playing his violin and was talking about how he needed it to study and before he knew it, his fees procreated into the amount it was today.
He asked if there "was anything that could be done about it." Like he was expecting me to wave a magic wand and *poof* make it entirely disappear, which in all reason I could. But I used my "Win/Win Tactic," I told him that if he paid half of it today, I could forgive the rest. Apparently that wasn't good enough for him because didn't jump at this 'once in a lifetime opportunity' that I just presented him. I even told him that any manager would not even offer to forgive this much, he still didn't accept it.
I know times are rough and I am more than willing to help out patrons but offer them an inch and some of them expect a mile.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Not in my Job Description...
There were two people actually waiting at the door for it to open at 10. Started off the day with the bare minimum staff, 3 info and 3 circ. The first patron I helped on the desk remarked how surprised she was that we showed up. On her way out she turned around and said "thank you."
And they say libraries are "nonessential." Tell that to all of the patrons who came in today. I'll have to take a look at the circulation numbers tomorrow.
You can't say libraries aren't necessary, especially during times like this when more people flock to them.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Weather forecasters: 1, Me: 2
Thank you very much for pointing out the obvious. I still do not trust weather forecasters any more than I previously did.
So yeah, mark one up to them, but then again, who didn't have to go into work today, not them. Who also got paid to stay home today - ME. Game, set, match.
The attached pic what I would call "false advertising." Biology is nowhere near as fun as a snowball fight with a monkey, that's why I took Geology to fulfill my last science requirement.
On a final note, I really do not need 24 hour local news coverage on the winter storm. I know its cold outside, I know there's a lot of snow, I know it's best if I stay home. I'd rather be subjected to infomercials for Snuggies than live feeds of the the barren highways.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Milk, Bread, and Books
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Last Supper
Unlike last year, we had the full 2 hours to enjoy eachothers company with out any worries of work. Not this year. The first hour we grubbed and the second hour was reserved to sadden and depress everyone. The branch manager gave us a recap of the lastest manager's meetings and the budget talks. Which pretty much amounted to nothing, since one cannot say for certainty what the budget cuts will bring until they take place. But she pretty much said that A LOT of people will be cut. Seeing as how they will be doing it on seniority and a lot of my coworkers have been with the library system since the Stone Age aka Card Stamp days, I really do not think I will have this position in a couple of months.
The managers tried to assuage everyone's fears, saying that there's always a chance the library will be spared a double digit cut, but we all know that won't happen. Reminded me of a line in "Dumb and Dumber":
Me: What do you think the chances are of an employee like me and an employer like you... still working together next year?
Library: Well, Bibliotecher, that's difficult to say. I mean, we don't really...
Me: Hit me with it! Just give it to me straight! I've worked really hard, Library. The least you can do is level with me. What are my chances?
Library: Not good.
Me: You mean, not good like one out of a hundred?
Library: I'd say more like one out of a million.
Me: So you're telling me there's a chance... *YEAH!*
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I Live My Life One Due Date at a Time...
For those unfamiliar a quarter mile AKA 1320 (feet) is the length of a drag strip. That horrid line has been embedded in my mind and I have my own library equivalent, "I live my life one check out at a time." Sure its typically three weeks in the future but even the patrons relate to it. A lot of patrons will make comments about how their return date falls on their birthday or some other significant event, or they make a comment about how time flies.
So here's to a Happy New Year to all!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Spring It On!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
They Start So Young Nowadays...
Monday, December 7, 2009
Bless the Swedes
for all they have given us: Saabs, meatballs, assembly required furniture, and square beef patties. This is a cover from a children's series.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Saturdays off are Great.
Reminding your coworkers that its your day off while they're at work... Priceless.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Patron Complaints
I have several issues with this particular patron even though I've never met her. Her email is full of attitude, I'm know she has a right to be upset but she could have been more tactful. First lesson to learn, is that any emails with sentences in ALL CAPS LOSE ALL RELEVANCE. This last line really irked me: "Treat the patrons like WE matter and like we DO have something to do with a small portion of your paychecks." Second lesson to learn, just like librarians ask patrons to keep their voices down, patrons can do the same. If she had such a problem, why did she not ask to speak to a manager. Instead she had to email the higher ups which means the issue will be blown out of proportion we will have to take a vow of silence while we are on the circ desk.
Second lesson to learn from all of this, the branch manager should have redacted the patron's email address instead of forwarding it to the whole branch. The first Google result brings up a website for an escort advertisement page. She apparently charges $150 for a half hour and $250 for a full hour. I'm not a tax expert but I don't think my wages are paid with taxes from any prostitutes' paychecks.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Librarians Gone Wild
Needless to say I had a great time.
I wonder if/when there will ever be an annual ALA conference held there. I would be there in a heartbeat.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Round 2
The library system as a whole sucked it up last year when they cut numerous positions and laid off half of the pages. Now they want to cut more. I will be the first to admit that it was long overdue to fire some of the pages. We are now more efficient, the books are still getting shelved and the lazies are no longer around. But the system is already running lean with the amount of people on staff. I will also say that I know a couple of people that should "retire." Whether its due to their age, health, or laziness, they should NOT be on the library payroll.
My days at the library seem to be numbered.
Monday, November 16, 2009
I Love My Coworkers...
One of them is new to the area from Iraq. She worked in the Green Zone in Baghdad for 2 years before coming to the States. I found this out while we were both avoiding working the circ desk the first hour of opening. All the problem patrons seem to pop up then.
It was our first time actually getting to know each other. When I asked her what she wanted to do here, she just laughed and said it was "silly." After a little bit more of playful prodding, she said she wanted to be an actress, but her family told her it was stupid. I told her she should go for it, she just blushed and said, "you don't think its stupid?" I told her this is the States, you can do whatever you want, be whoever you want to be. Hate to resound on that cliche, but it is true. Hope she just doesn't become "Hollywood" and forget who I am when she becomes famous.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Lunch Break Libations
I found out last night that I play Modern Warfare 2 better when I'm drunk. I wonder if I'm better at the Circ desk tipsy.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Firedrill Fail
Well, my luck ran out last week as I experienced my first one and it was pretty uneventful.
It was supposed to be a surprise as to catch everyone off guard and see how prepared they all really are. But that element was thrown out the window when the assistant branch manager had the check list clipboard in her hand and waited for 5 minutes at the circ desk for a lull in people checking out before she pulled the alarm.
It sure scared one patron, he happened to be on his cell phone when it went off and he literally ran out the exit, if there were any children or elderly in front of him, I have no doubt he would have knocked them out of the way during this practice emergency.
While most patrons were leaving reluctantly, one lady decided to check out her materials before the imaginary fire consumed her. Talk about fail, I told her to exit and she gave me the nastiest look. At least it was a nice day outside...
Punk Ass Book Jockeys
I missed watching last Thursday because I was watching a German opera (not as exciting as it sounds.)
But I Hulu'd all of the shows and I laughed so hard during "Parks and Recreation" s02e08.
They bash the library, what's not to like about that!?
Monday, November 9, 2009
Trick-ed and mis-Treated
Just as I was counting down the days to my return to my regular branch, they screw up my calender. I can only suck it up, at least it's not as bad as what they did to a third circ aide they "borrowed." Her two pay period stay turned into a THREE month stay. Whenever I was working the circ desk with her, she would regularly vent to me about how they really did need to borrow staff from other branches. I did agree with her to some extent, the managers could have better scheduled the staff they have, until the new hires come in.
Now, I have a new variation to the phrase "Same ish, different day,"
"Same ish, different branch"
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Why Is It...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
This is Why You're a Librarian...
And not a marketer. This is such a horrible rip off. It looks and sounds even more ridiculous when you read it out loud. The "Got Milk?" campaign worked so well because of its simplicity, its ONE syllable, not four. For shame library, for shame. Thank goodness I have a Marketing degree, I plan to walk around the branch with a Sharpee and add "^your" to all the signage.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
What's the Deal...
Are they the "in gifts" to give to that newly graduated MLS student?? If that's the case so be it, I wear a size S or M, and don't forget the gift receipt!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
You Belong To The City
I now have my old position out at the City library, so now I will have more stories about the library to blog about HUZZAH!
I went in today to fill out all of the paperwork and today was also the first day they switched their program over to an older version of what I work with at the County. Boy, was there a LOT of problems with that upgrade. It's like going from Win 95 to Vista. With me being the only one with "extensive" working knowledge of the program, I was put to work, as one of my newly regained coworkers put it --- "before the ink even dried."
Don't Leave Home Without It
After she used the internet she came back to the desk to check out some books. The lady working with me on the desk told her it was a $1 charge for her to check out books because she didn't bring her library card. The patron showed my coworker the receipt that she already paid for an internet pass, but my coworker said that it was the rule. The patron nearly broke down into tears and said, "I lost my job, I'm unemployed, I just filed for bankruptcy and $3 means a lot right now." My coworker said she would go talk to the manager and she got up and walked to the backroom.
My coworker came back and told the patron that the manager said that was the rule but she was personally going to not charge her and said that she could get in trouble for it. In all honesty, my coworker was playing good cop, bad cop. Nearly anyone would have checked the lady's materials out free of charge without her having to open up about her financial straits.
After the patron left, my coworker said to me that she only did it because she was unemployed. She then commented about the books she checked out; asking why they weren't about job hunting or resume building. She stared out the front windows and commented that she hoped the patron wasn't just lying to avoid the fee, she has been in the library system a lot longer than I have which might have be the reason for her degree of jadedness. Hope that doesn't happen to me.
Libraries CAN be Exciting...
A patron walked in with her young son and made a comment about how libraries used to be a safe place. The lady I was working with on the desk whispered to me to not make any comments. She's also on loan from a different branch as well.
I don't know what's wrong with this particular branch, its not in an unsafe location. This lady also told me about the time she asked this couple if they needed help. The woman said in Spanish that she needed to hide the guy. This caught her by surprise and she didn't have time to respond before the couple ran out of the door. Shortly after a police car pulled up and a cop searched the library for them.
All I have to say is that I really miss my "problem patrons" at my branch.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Riddle Me This...
Waste of Shelf space...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I'm the Lifeguard Who Doesn't Like to Swim...
But I am trying to change all of that with my semester off. I recently finished, "Gang Leader for a Day," yes, I know you're supposed to underline titles, but I can't on my Crackberry. I stopped by my home branch to pick up some holds. I have yet to finish "The World is Flat" before one of my other holds comes in, "Hot, Flat and Crowded." My coworkers confronted me about the second book I had come to pick up, McKenzie Phillips' "High on Arrival." First, they were shocked I was reading (haha-funny one guys), then they were startled I was reading this title (it's for my mom!), finally they were dismayed when I didn't recognize any of The Mamas and the Papas' tunes they were, uhm, how should I describe it..."singing"?
Week in Review
Overall, it's an "okay" branch. I wouldn't be willing to stay here permanently.
The patrons are more patient, I guess they've been trained to be that way with 3 self check out machines and only 1 full service computer. Lines can get pretty long in a short amount of time, but I have never seen or heard any complaints about the wait. That is completely different than my home branch. If a person has to wait for 30 seconds for assistance, they go into full ballistic mode.
The branch is set up like a big square with the stacks on opposites sides, so there really isn't any where to hide. I'm not saying I hide all the time, but it is a good distraction to disappear into the stacks for a few.
The backroom set up is wide open, it's not the cubicle farm I've come to like. Info and Circ staff are interspersed among each other but there isn't much interaction between the two camps. At least we joke around and talk to each other at my branch.
Even though I already have a maternal coworker at this branch, I'm counting down the days to go back to my original ones...
Monday, October 5, 2009
Needless to say I am much relieved and happy with my scores(don't have to pay another buck-fifty to retake it!).
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
You Don't Trade Your Best Player
And then he stood up and told me that HE needed to talk to ME about MY scheduling. He told me to take a seat and I was completely taken aback by this because "fixing my schedule" just involved me standing next to him while he moved my hours around on the spreadsheet.
I seriously thought he was going to fire me by the way he was speaking. He then told me that a decision was made and that I would be transferred to another branch to help cover under-staffing.
I was relieved I still had a job, and it's only 6 weeks. The County is going to hire a handful of the 2000+ applicants who applied for the 14 positions open. This branch I am transferring to isn't all too far from where I live and I haven't worked there before so I'm open to the experience.
Some things I don't understand about this decision, is that my current branch is much more busier and we are already understaffed. So my departure will be rough on my coworkers. I also found out that someone from my first branch is also going to be transferred with me, so why me as well?
I think my P.I.C.A.W. (Partner In Crime At Work) is more affected by this decision than I am. She looked at the daily schedules to see if we were working the desk together and if we weren't, who either one of us could switch with. For some reason, management hasn't rarely been scheduling us to work the desk together. I don't know why, nothing bad has happened, we do our work, we don't mess around---ageism I tell ya.
One of my coworkers compared this situation to when she was in school and a student was being sent to a different class. The teacher would pick the brightest, smartest, best dressed student on their way, telling them to, "make a good impression." Well, hell yea I'm the brightest and smartest. But I think it's mostly because I am not taking any classes this semester and my availability is wide open, whatever, I'm still the best dressed. I know I will be sorely missed not just because of my greatness but because I actually work hard and pull my own weight.
Apparently the Assistant Circ Manager felt the need to email the WHOLE branch about it, so several Info staff have talked to me about it. Miss L first found out about it when Miss S told me that she'd miss me and Miss L turned to me and said, "You're leaving??" Miss S pointed out that there was an email from the Assistant Circ Manager, to which Miss L replied, "Oh, I saw it was from him SO I didn't read it." Her first question for me was if they asked me, no, they didn't ask they just did. This instantly sent her on a rant about the mismanagement of our branch. Too bad they didn't ask because one of my coworkers has been itching to transfer to that branch PERMANENTLY. And I am sure she would have jumped at the chance to work there even if its for 6 weeks. The branch manager came up to me TWICE during my shift to talk about it. She kept going on and on about how much I will enjoy it there and they are a bunch of great people, and that the branch manager there is her friend, and that I am a great worker and I am going to make a great impression on them. I felt like she was being facetious and in reality I am going to hate it and she knows it. She also kept thanking me and in my head I was thinking that I didn't really have a choice in the matter.
I will be missing Halloween and the bi-annual booksale which is always fun to work, but it'll be a good distraction. More importantly, I'll be back, they can't get rid of me that easily
Monday, September 28, 2009
Today's Weather Outlook is...
Then WTH is it a stuffy, warm 80 in the backroom?!?
I feel like filling my cubicle with sand and wearing my beach gear.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I See Dead Pixels
Yeah, I did all that but that didn't prepare me for the "Alien Invasion" font I was distracted with. Everything I read on the screen felt too pixelated to me and I was straining to read, the only thing missing was the single button mouse and the 8.5 inch floppy disk.
I don't know, maybe I was the only one whose LCD monitor was hooked up to a Commodore 64 but my tip for anyone preparing for the GRE is to switch out your Ariel or Times New Roman for a highly pixelated font
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Damn you GRE!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Volunteers - You Get What You Pay For...
The other day we also had a young teen who thought they were being helpful by removing all of the inter-filed adult graphic fiction novels and placing them on carts next to the young adult graphic novels. Thank goodness there's only a handful of '300' and 'Sin City' like books. Well, at least our pages had something to do.
Don't get me wrong, I really do love our volunteers. They're a great help when the County keeps making employees do more with less.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Peterson GRE 2010 - FAIL
If You Can't Stand the Heat... Get Out of My Library
Well I can relate, but our A/C actually works. It just isn't set low enough to feel any negligible difference between outside and inside. The county raised the temperature threshold of all the buildings, so it can get very warm inside. A lot of patrons have complained but that hasn't changed anything. This building isn't exactly new so the ventilation is not great. While its tropical humid at the circ desk, its cool 2 feet away in the backroom, and downright frigid in the stacks near sci-fi. Can't wait to see what it'll be like in here during winter. I'm all for an open bonfire in the middle of circ, I know some great romance novels that would burn nice and toasty - Harlequin Series, I'm looking right at you!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Joined the Darkside
Well that plan didn't last long. She's fully developed what my coworker calls, "Management Syndrome." She was probably brainwashed during the monthly Circ manager meetings. While branch, circ, and info meetings have been cut to once every other month, circ management has deemed it necessary to continue to meet every month. No one has any idea what they actually do during them, but I believe they use those 2 hours to get away from annoying patrons and the stress they bring.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Based on the Best Selling Novel
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Lost in Translation
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Bookdrop Danger #76
I was the fortunate one who was working the bookdrop when this item came through. I got so mad because I touched this foul thing that I wanted to charge the patron for the damaged fee because the "fish" were literally fused with the book. But a circ manager said not to and to just discard it. That's management for you...
Go figure...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
"District 9" movie review.
That's exactly how I feel about Peter Jackson's "District 9." The previews made this seem like it would be a pretty good movie but don't judge a movie by its preview. There have been many successful movies involving aliens coming to Earth: "Independence Day," "Men in Black."
One aspect I didn't like was that it switched between too many camera perspectives. It started out as a 1st-person "documentary" style movie a la "Cloverfield," which made that movie "different" too but in a good way. It later alternates between surveillance/security camera angles to regular 3rd person perspective.
I didn't like the whole "humans are heartless and prejudice and aliens have feelings too" sentiment. Like I'm supposed to leave this movie feeling like I need to change the way I see things in this world. It really made the movie all too predictable. I felt like this movie tried to be a thought provoking movie about racial bias like "Crash."
I wasn't surprised when the couple sitting next to me walked out after an hour or so. I walked out asking myself what happened to this cool movie I expected to see.
It could be entertaining if you're looking for something mindless to zone out through. The graphics were good, even though they spent most of it blowing people into a million pieces.
I look to the ratings on RottenTomatoes to determine if a movie is worth paying for, but this was one of those few occasions I disagree. Everyone claiming its fresh are touting that this is a different kind of sci-fi flick, and yes it is but I don't like the sour aftertaste it leave behind.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Your Books are Due Back...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
You can't attract librarians with vinegar
Monday, August 17, 2009
Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Gotta Suck It Up...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
That Time of the Month...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
"Funny People" Movie Review
First off, let me say how much I enjoy Judd Apatow's movies. I am a huge fan and I like the clique that his movies bring along: Leslie Mann, Jonah Hill, Seth Rogan, Aziz Ansari, etc. I really do, I would marry Leslie Mann in a heartbeat.
But just because Adam Sandler's career has been going downhill (remember "You Don't Mess With the Zohan," I wish I didn't) does not mean he needs to drag down these talented people with him. I used to like Adam Sandler's movies; even the immature Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison. I feel like his latest flicks have been last ditch efforts to get screen time and some extra paychecks before he calls it quits. Like the majority of people who have reviewed this movie, I agree that this movie is much too long. I don't know if this is a spoiler alert, but Adam Sandler's character has a deadly disease he is battling with, and to be honest I wish his character died. I really do, because with each passing minute of being put through this, I was dying. I have watched a lot of movies and have only witnessed people leaving during 3 of them: "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" an elderly couple walked right out after, I believe, the third scene of Jason Segel's privates, "Dave Chappelle's Block Party" I assume the people thought it would have been more of his stand up instead of a concert, and this horrible, horrible movie.
I just feel like Adam Sandler was a main contributing factor as to why this movie didn't flow as well as other Apatow works. He does not belong in this "group of friends."I can see what Apatow was aiming for: a serious, real life situation that is supposed to be naturally filled with comedy when you have comedians hanging out with each other. But this attempt fell flat on its face. The amount of penis and testicle jokes is ridiculous. I am not saying I have never laughed at those kind of jokes, but seriously, after the 10th comment about that certain region you quickly tire of it. How can you have a serious issue mixed in with simple and idiotic penis jokes?I am unsure why people thought it was so funny, maybe I just expected a comedic blockbuster like "40 Year Old Virgin" or "Knocked Up." Those movies contained real life situations where the comedy flowed naturally and didn't feel forced or faked.
The comedy was highly lacking and I think this movie labeling this movie as a Comedy is highly misleading and should be changed to Drama. While they are at it, the title should also be changed to "Funny People in an Unfunny Movie," or at least add a question mark to it: "Funny People?" For shame Judd...
Monday, August 10, 2009
Hard to Argue...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
P.A.T.R.O.N. Act
Things rarely ever change at most libraries. This includes procedures and shelving locations. That's just the way it is; if something works, why bother forming a committee to look into the matter and develop a new system.
So when our branch manager mentioned switching to self pick up of holds 8 months ago, I can admit I had my reservations. At the time the holds were behind the Circ desk and patrons would have to wait for us to find or not find their reserved materials.
I remember when I was working at another library when I brought a hold for patron and she stated that at her hometown library their holds are self pick up. I said something to the effect of privacy issues and I was completely unbiased when I stated it. She instantly got all worked up and said that at her work, she's a nurse, that when you're dying it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, black or white, female or male, you're dying the same way and that people are too uptight about it. Well, how am I supposed to reply to that???
I have also heard that the library was threatened with a lawsuit because apparently one woman's husband said he was picking up her holds for her and the books turned out to be about 'Divorce' and it turned into a big mess.
Self Pick Up took some getting used to and there are still some kinks to it. Sometimes you will see some patrons browsing the holds shelf and you have to walk around the Circ desk and tell them that these are being held for someone. And for some reason people assume the books are already checked out to their account, I can only guess because they see a slip of paper with their name on it and they think its their check out print out. We've had to chase after a few people who have walked in, grabbed their holds, and walk right out. And those are the few we've been attentive enough to catch.
We have only had one problem with patron's holds, apparently she's tried to pick up a hold a couple of times but each time her holds aren't there. Yeah, it could be an error on our side but we've had volunteers who work on the holds say that they remember placing this lady's holds on the shelf. Someone has a grudge against her apparently and that's bound to happen when you can't keep an eye on the holds the whole time.
Overall, it is a blessing since the number of people working the Circ desk at any given moment is reduced.
The Circ desk is quickly becoming more automated. With all the problems of patrons returns not being checked in properly, I'm just waiting for the day when patrons will be able to check in their own returns. Heck, why stop there, might as well let them reshelve it too
Monday, July 27, 2009
Daily Scheduling 101
There are 7 people working in the Circ side when we opened up this Monday morning. It was just myself and one coworker on the circ desk the first hour. Why in the world did we also have the phones out there as well when there were 5, FIVE, people in the backroom??? Not only did my coworker and I have to deal with overnight bookdrop, and assisting people at the Circ desk, but to also handle the phone calls coming into the branch was too much.
Gotta Love Working the Phones
Me: Good morning, so-and-so Library, how may I help you?
Lady: (chuckles) Well I was expecting to get a female like most other times.
Me: (laughs along with her, thinking to myself I really need to stop procrastinating and write about the Library being a "Woman's World.")
Lady: Now that I think about it, I'm glad I reached a guy.
Me: Sure, I'd be glad to help you.
Lady: (chuckles) Alright well, when you have a female cat and you "get it done" its called "spaying" right?
Me: Yes ma'am.
Lady: Well, what is it called when you do it to a male pet? You know, neuter a dog, when you chop off its nuts.
Me: You're correct, its called "neutering."
Lady: Are you sure?
Me: Yes ma'am I am sure.
Lady: (chuckles) Great! Thanks a lot.
hangs up...
I guess its better than the phone call I received from an elderly lady who requested a female coworker to speak with. I transferred it over to my friend, who later comes back to my cubicle to tell me the caller was looking for books about puberty for her granddaughter. Better my coworker to handle that particular call than me.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
You Are What You Eat.
But I'm not sure how "our team" expects to win when you walk into the break room every day and find these goodies sitting there calling your name.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
How to Survive Meetings Tip #25
Monday, July 20, 2009
Lost and wtF...
Today someone "left" a stroller and blanket in the parking lot. Some parent is really absent minded or some kid got in really big trouble and was forced to walk home. Either way, this thing has been in my way all day and is about to find itself on Craigslist...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Suck Times Infinity...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Black Sunday

Last Sunday was a sad day across the County as all of the Sunday staff only got the boot. I think the number of library employees that have gotten the shaft is in excesss of 500+. The Circ side was cool, they are all in my generation. The library system needs some young blood. To all the library staff that have lost their positions, you will be sorely missed (pours out some liquor).
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
This is No Way to Live...
It's Perfectly Acceptable..
Oh, and I know I should feel bad about leaving my coworkers "short staffed" last Wednesday night, but me calling out is really nothing in the long run. How is it possible that both of the Circ managers are taking their vacations during the same week? But yet when one of my coworkers requested to take off the first week of this upcoming December one manager gave her a hard time. With both of them gone it sounds like a perfect time to form a coup...